Engross: Improve focus. Timer, To do list, Planner

Download Engross: Improve focus. Timer, To do list, Planner Apk For PC,Laptop,Windows 7,8,10.

We provide Engross: Improve focus. Timer, To do list, Planner 6.0.10 APK file for PC (Windows 7,8,10).
Engross: Improve focus. Timer, To do list, Planner is a free Productivity app.
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Do you get distracted easily while studying or working?

Engross helps you to bring back your focus immediately, with its unique hack, a click of a button. It also counts your distractions in every work session. See how many times you lose focus, set a challenge for yourself and beat it. Aim to consistently reduce your distraction count with each session. Less will be the number of distractions more will be your productivity.

Engross helps you in time management and by setting a timer for each task, you can easily keep away from distractions and boost your productivity.

You can also set break time to relax for a while and again engross yourself fully into work!

How Engross works?

Whenever you plan to study or work, set the timer in Engross and start working. Every time you lose focus just hit the round button in the center of the app.

At the end of each session, see how many times you got distracted. Your challenge in the next work session would be to beat your past record by decreasing the number of times you get distracted, each time. Follow this routine and see how it improves your productivity.

Note – If you abort in the middle of a session, your distraction count will not be recorded.


• Set a timer for each task and start working with efficiency.
• Set the number of times to repeat the timer, for multiple work sessions.
• Count your distractions during each work session.
• Challenge yourself to beat your previous distraction count in the next session.
• Set a goal to keep your self motivated while working.
• Take fixed-time breaks between work sessions and get away from procrastination.
• Get a notification as soon as a work session or break ends.
• Turn off WiFi during work sessions.

Version: 6.0.10

File size: 3.67MB

Requires: Android 4.4+

Package Name: com.engross

Developer: Husain Haidery

Updated: July 12, 2019

Price: Free

Rate 4.50 stars – based on 3994 reviews
